Here is a list of potential health problems that can arise if you don't get your carpets washed on a regular basis.
Filthy Carpets Cause Respiratory Issues
Dirty carpets have a stable environment for microorganisms. Dirty carpets are suitable breeding grounds for dust mites and molds, making them a potential breeding ground for bacteria and allergens. When these species are kicked into the air and inhaled by people walking on them, flu-like symptoms and other respiratory problems can occur.
Coughing and runny noses are common symptoms, as are cold-like symptoms, asthma attacks, and adverse allergic reactions.
Irritations of the Skin
Irritating irritants can be found in unclean and filthy carpets, which can cause skin irritation. Redness, itchiness, and even swelling are common signs of skin irritations. Athlete's foot is a natural yet irritating skin condition caused by dirty carpets.
Bacteria and fungi can come into contact with your feet when you walk barefoot on a dirty carpet through cuts, wounds, or skin openings. Until properly treated, this infectious fungal infection can breed in skin openings and cause chronic itching for a long time.
Skin asthma attacks, which appear as itchy rashes rather than troubled breathing, may also be caused by dirty carpets. When a person is exposed to asthma-triggering irritants like dirt, dust, and contaminants from dirty carpets, they may develop both forms of asthma.
Allergies and filthy carpets are two things that come to mind when it comes to allergies.
Allergy sufferers can experience further flare-ups as a result of dirty carpets. Owing to the amount of dust, pet hairs, bacteria, and soil residue, pre-existing allergy symptoms can get considerably worse. Itchy skin, watery eyes, sneezing, and malaise are some of the symptoms and common causes.
More Illnesses Caused by Unhealthy Carpets
Higher stress levels and a weekend immune system are two other problems that can arise from living in a home with dirty carpets, making a person more vulnerable to diseases.